Sunday, February 15, 2015

A World of Questions Exhibit at the Harbor Gallery

On February 5th, I went to see the current Harbor Gallery exhibit reception at UMass Boston called A World of Questions.  There were 120 posters (approximately about 12"x18") on display by Chaz Maviyane-Davies that dealt with various themes on the human condition, such as: global warming, big coporations, pollution, and Westernization.

The exhibit was pretty cool because I enjoyed how the quotes well suited with the photos or illustrations on the posters.  Also, I was surprised how Maviyane-Davies was able to utilize the question mark (by featuring illustrations or photos that had, or at least help contribute to form, the contours of a question mark) as a motif in every poster without making the repetition redundant and boring.  I don't have any pictures from the gallery, since I didn't have any camera with me and I felt taking pictures of Mayiyane-Davies' photos was copyright infringement.  (He mentioned how some of the photos he used in the posters were hard to compose, hard to obtain the right to use the photo, or wasn't able to pay to use the photo at all.)  Seeing the exhibit long after my classes were over was one of the few hours I'm glad I've spent during my school week.

Here's a link that has more details about A World of Questions exhibit that's currently at the Harbor Gallery:

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